
3rd Activity: DESCRIPTIONS


First of all, thank you for writing me your answers; congratulations, you really know how to decode a coded message!

However, there are some mistakes on your comments which have to be corrected.

For example:

·          To talk about hobbies, you can use these kind of sentence:
o      “I like playing football”
o      “I like going out with my friends”
o      “My hobby is reading”
o      “Her hobbies are playing handball and drawing”
·          If you do not know a word in English, you can check it out on the Internet. Just find a dictionary!

Is that clear? Alright, so let’s continue to the third activity:

As a detective, we need to know how we have to describe people, because when we are looking for a suspect, we have to be able to describe them. So for that, here you are some links to work on different aspects of the description.
Try to do as many exercises as possible! The more you do, the more effective detective you are!

Link 2 (Not  the wordsearch)

Link 3 (Not the video)

That is all for today, if you want, you can keep training at home!

Best regards,


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